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In Small Business, Your Website is Never Finished

In Small Business, Your Website is Never Finished

How often do you look at your website? Once a week, a couple times a month, a few times a year?

The correct answer should be regularly.  


With my First & Bloom brand, it wasn't uncommon for me to look at my site multiple times in a week. I always like to have two views of my site active on my laptop. The backend dashboard is always open and my live site is always open in another tab.  When I make updates on the backend, I like to see them immediately reflective on the live site.  This minimizes errors. Plus, I like to experience exactly what my visitors do. 

A website shouldn't be a set-it-and-forget-it kind of project. Your website is active and continuously evolving. It should change with the season and reflect the latest content you have available and are promoting. 

I changed the hero image and updated products on my website each season, if not multiple times. Whether Valentine's Day or a winter theme in December, it all depended on what I was promoting and the feeling I wanted my customers to experience when they visited my site. It shouldn't be any different than when someone walks into a store or a person's house.

If someone went to your website homepage in August, should they still see your Valentine's Day campaign? No! Definitely not. If it's the heat of summer and your selling hot soups for chilly days on a splash page, doesn't that seem a little off? Yes! Because it is. 


A website is never finished. It's always evolving. 

I sometimes hear, 'I'm so busy I don't have time to update my site.' That's totally understandable! I've been there and understand this position. Managing your digital presence online is a full-time job.  But, you're trying to welcome new visitors to your site and convert them into loyal customers.  Site conversion is important. 

Even if you are not selling products online, creating a thorough, welcoming experience says a lot about your business. 

Even for myself, I haven't been happy with my Lora Bloom site for quite some time. Using an old template on Shopify, it was totally bringing down my Google siting rankings and performance reports. Not having effective keywords and template customizations current with today's website trends has been hurting my site performance. 

Slowly, I've been revamping my site with a new on-point template designed for today's commerce businesses and the clients I hope to attract. It's officially live, as of last night! Even with a new snazzy look and feel, it's always never finished. :)


Does your website need a refresh or need to be updated? I can help. As a super busy business owner, it might be time to delegate this important aspect of business to a professional. Lora Bloom offers a variety of options that can fit any budget. 

Send me an email and we'll schedule some time to discuss your needs. 

*featured image by Dana Romascanu